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Gli insetti come farmaci

Autore:  Stefano Turillazzi

Collana:  MEFISTO (22)

L’entomoterapia è l’uso di Artropodi (in modo particolare Insetti) o di loro prodotti per la cura di varie malattie; affonda le sue radici nella notte dei tempi e si ritrova nelle tradizioni di molti paesi come parte integrante di quella che ...

Water, Colour & Life on Earth
Watercolours and Words for a Threatened Planet. Acquarelli e parole per un pianeta sotto assedio

A cura di  Marco Fazzini

Collana:  fuori collana (0)

Watercolours are by nature light and impermanent, sensitive to changes of temperature, light and humidity, which underlines the fact that what a watercolour painter produces on a sheet of paper exists in its own microcosm. It has been widely observed that through this particular ...

Water, Colour & Life on Earth
Watercolours and Words for a Threatened Planet. Acquarelli e parole per un pianeta sotto assedio

A cura di  Marco Fazzini

Collana:  fuori collana (0)

Watercolours are by nature light and impermanent, sensitive to changes of temperature, light and humidity, which underlines the fact that what a watercolour painter produces on a sheet of paper exists in its own microcosm. It has been widely observed that through this particular ...

Water, Colour & Life on Earth
Watercolours and Words for a Threatened Planet. Acquarelli e parole per un pianeta sotto assedio

A cura di  Marco Fazzini

Collana:  fuori collana (0)

Watercolours are by nature light and impermanent, sensitive to changes of temperature, light and humidity, which underlines the fact that what a watercolour painter produces on a sheet of paper exists in its own microcosm. It has been widely observed that through this particular ...

Il ritmo dello spazio | Le rythme de l’espace | The Rhythm of Space
Arte e scienza da Marconi alle Onde Gravitazionali

A cura di  Stavros Katsanevas

Collana:  fuori collana (0)

The exhibition proposes a fascinating journey through art and science against the background of the exciting discoveries of contemporary science.
The recent discovery of gravitational waves, resulting from the merging of black holes and/or neutron stars, producing vibrations in ...